In a world as vast and magical as Harry Potter's, there's gonna be a few things that go over even the smartest heads on the first read through.
However, those clever folks at Quora picked up on some super interesting little hidden nuggets - which I don't feel TOO bad for missing seeing as I was, like, 12 at the time - and it's great to understand more about J.K. Rowling's sneaky genius.
So many things to be learned from Harry Potter, after all this time...
1. Murdering Myrtle
'Could've been anything' said Ron. 'Maybe he got thirty O.W.L.s or saved a teacher from the giant squid. Maybe he murdered Myrtle; that would've done everyone a favor...'In the innocent days of Book 2 this was just a joke... but now we know that Voldemort really did kill Myrtle. Well played, Rowling!
2. Snitch Symbolism
3. Trelawney: Crazy but Correct
'I think I am right in saying, my dear, that you were born in midwinter?'
However, Voldemort WAS born in midwinter, on December 31st. Professor Trelawney sensed the horcrux part of Voldemort within Harry, and therefore deduced his birth date correctly.
'No, I was born in July.'
4. Heterogenous Horcruxes
1. Riddle's diary - Harry with the Basilisk Fang
2. Gaunt's Ring - Dumbledore with the Sword of Gryffindor
3. Slytherin's Locket - Ron with the Sword of Gryffindor
4. Hufflepuff's Cup - Hermione with the Basilisk Fang
5. Ravenclaw's Diadem - Crabbe with Fiendfyre
6. Horcrux inside Harry - Voldemort with Avada Kedavra
7. Nagini - Neville with the Sword of Gryffindor
I realize that list sounds like a bizarre game of Harry Potter Clue? but it's interesting to think about!
5. Dead Hit!
6. Lucky 13
7. Friends in Low Places
'You are as omniscient as ever, Dumbledore.'
What we didn't know at the time is that the barman was more than friends with Dumbledore - he was actually his brother, Aberforth.
'No, no. Merely friendly with the local barmen.' replies Dumbledore.
8. Herbal Heartbreak
Potter! What would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?Now, if you look up the meanings of these plants in The Victorian Language of Flowers, asphodel is a LILY - a lily that says 'my regrets follow you to the grave.' Wormwood symbolizes absence and sorrow.
Snape is saying 'I bitterly regret Lily's death.'
by Jancy Richardson (
I really liked the snowballs story "in your face voldermort!". the last one is amazing o_O
RispondiEliminaExcept you know, PHILOSOPHER'S Stone was published in '97, makong the whole 'i open at the close' theory null and void...