Ah, celebrities, they are just like me and you but with more expensive moisturizer and a penchant for owning private yachts!
We've seen 'em without makeup, getting (digitally) chubby, and wobbling around wasted, so let's spend our next celeb safari examining a different behavior that can also be seen in the rest of the human race. Perving!
Being caught with your eyeballs rolling around in somebody's scooped neckline is an excruciating experience, but next time maybe it will be less painful because you know Brad Pitt's been there too. Hurrah!
14. Harry Peeper
12. R-Papped
11. Building Up a Real Rappoport
10. Hypnotizing Hudgens
9. To the Left, To the Left!
8. Reckless ALBAndon
7. Kims Kapivating Kleave Katches Kayne Kreepin'
6. The Irresistible Allure of Halle's Berrys
5. Will.I.Get.Caught?
4. Pervy Piven
3. The Look of Love
2. Tantalized Townsend
1. Ange's All-Powerful Orbs
by Karly Rayner (moviepilot)
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