For those of you who have fallen in love with Jamie Dornan, A.K.A. Mr. Grey... I fear to tell you this news... Reports have surfaced that the star will not appear in either sequel to Fifty Shades of Grey. And the reason why? His wife has ordered him not to...
Yes, you read that correctly. The Fifty Shades franchise may lose its biggest star! Apparently Dornan's wife, actress Amelia Warner, who has a 15-month-old daughter with the star has expressed her unhappiness about her husband's role and future risqué performances within the erotic franchise.
Jamie said the movie would skyrocket his career. He tried to assure Amelia nothing would change but women all over the world now lust after Jamie. She hasn’t seen the film and I don’t think she will to be honest.’Yet, could this be an elaborate scapegoat? The actor has faced a barrage of critical reviews, including multiple sites writing the film off as an over-hyped cinematic slump. Add all of this to reports that Dakota Johnson and Dornan don't exactly get along - in fact it is alleged that there is no chemistry there at all - and he just may be wanting an out right about now.
"It wasn't like they had screaming rows on set; it was more just uncomfortable," a source divulged to British magazine Grazia. "There are rumours Dakota felt Jamie was pretentious and wasn't throwing himself into the role enough. And apparently Jamie thought she was unfriendly, had too much attitude and took herself too seriously." - Grazia
"E.L. James wants the movie to match the book exactly, but Sam has a different perspective. Sam is reminding E.L. she writes books and she makes movies. This has caused some tension between the two of them."by Scott McCann (
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