15. The Mysteriously Broken Vanishing Cabinet
If it wasn’t dropped, it wouldn’t have needed repaired (obviously) therefore the final battle would have happened much sooner, probably before the students of Hogwarts could defend themselves.
So it seems that Rowling’s plan was always for the Death Eaters to enter Hogwarts this way.
14. The Weasley Twins
When approached by a Boggart, Molly sees her whole family dead. She also sees Fred and George together because she couldn’t see them as ever being separated. That proved to be something of a misdirection, as that could have been seen as indication that both would die in the final battle.During filming on The Deathly Hallows: Part 2, Oliver Phelps (George) exhausted himself by crying as he couldn’t imagine a world without his brother.
It took serval attempts to get that scene right as conversely and somewhat unhelpfully, James Phelps (Fred) fell asleep during takes and missed out on lunch as no one woke him up.
13. Bravery Is A Choice
Everyone has different traits which could see you getting sorted into different houses by the Sorting Hat, and the same goes for the central characters in the book.
Harry, Ron and Hermione could easily have been sorted into different houses: Harry’s ability to speak Parseltongue could easily have seen him sorted into Slytherine with Hermione’s intellect suggesting that she might have been better suited as a Ravenclaw girl. And you could see Ron as a Hufflepuff right?
But they all share one trait which defines you as a person – bravery. Being brave and loyal until the very end is something only a Gryffindor could be, even in the most adverse of conditions (apart from Percy Weasley who is the odd exception to the rule).
12. Professor Trelawney Was Right… A Lot
In The Prisoner Of Azkaban, Trelawney refused to sit at the table where she would be the thirteenth person sitting as she believed that the first person to stand up from that table would be cursed and die.
In The Order Of The Phoenix, after sitting at a table of thirteen people, Sirius was the first one to stand…
11. Trelawney Also Predicts That Harry Is A Horcrux
Voldemort however, has a birthday on 31st December. Trelawney was actually seeing Voldemort in Harry and couldn’t tell the two of them apart through her vision.
10. Hagrid Is Harry’s First And Last Mode Of Transport
Hagrid first takes Harry to 4 Privet Drive as a child on Sirius’ motorbike, and it is also with Hagrid and this form of transportation that he last leaves Privet Drive.
It’s probably also no accident that it is Hagrid who carries Harry’s supposedly dead body out of the forest when Voldemort believes himself to be victorious.
9. Voldemort’s WandWs A Reference To His Father
Not at all important at the time, but the tree takes on far more importance when you remember that Voldemort’s wand was also made from yew.
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